The University provides a springboard for sportsmen and women to achieve at county, national and international level, partly because of outstanding sporting facilities. The Kursk State Medical University provides sports complex, including gymnasium, In-door football, badminton, tennis, volleyball, athletic stadiums…EST.Basketball

Many of these facilities are located at the Sports Complex of KSMU, which attached to the university premises.

The gymnasium at the University is on open weekdays. It has Stairmasters, treadmills, stationary bikes, free weights and nautilus. For those who prefer a larger gym, there are several in the area. Prices vary, but they give special offers to KSMU students.

Annually Students Associations, communities are organizing Cricket, Football, Basketball, Table Tennis, Badminton and pool tournaments. All communities, nationalities are participating in those events, and special prizes are awarded to the winners.

Martial ArtsIn addition to the above core activities, KSMU supports numerous aerobics classes, lacrosse, and martial arts, Frisbee. If this is not enough, there are many community-based activities such as cultural events, religious ceremonies, New Year get-togethers and other special occasions, which motivate student’s life at KSMU.