The MOST FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS by the Prospective Students are as follows.

Table of Contents

Why is KSMU special?

• KSMU is the FIRST University in Russia to begin Graduate/Undergraduate programs in English Medium. KSMU has rich experience in training physicians and presently is the leading higher medical establishment in Russian for English Medium Education.

• KSMU is the GOLD MEDAL winner for the Best Medical Faculty in Russia, during few consecutive years since 2004.

• During its existence KSMU has trained more than 25,000 highly qualified specialists, physicians, pharmacists, social workers, technologists who successfully work not only in Russia, but all around the world including Morocco, Lebanon, India, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, African countries, USA and Europe.

• KSMU is a diverse and dynamic centre of academic medicine and health care. Our research laboratories, 28 affiliated hospitals and special programs offer students an innovative approach in preparing for the practice of medicine.

• Our Staff consist of 650 highly qualified lectures, of which 70% are PHD or equivalent and 80 professors holding DSc., their fields, who are active, their fields, respected by their colleagues worldwide, and keep KSMU on par with the best in the world.

• The low cost of living together with the social and cultural richness is another feature that tracts international students to KSMU.

• The reasonable course fee and value of a KSMU education, compared the medical degrees offered in other countries, is often the bottom line for families when it comes to choosing the right medical school.

What year was KSMU founded?

The Kursk State Medical University is a Government-sponsored State University, registered at the MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH OF RUSSIAN FEDERATION – License no: 16C- 239 was founded in February 1935.

Is KSMU recognized by The WHO, UNESCO, General Medical Council in the UK, IMED and other countries?


Can I prepare for PLAB, AMC and USMLE exams while I am at KSMU?


Study guides, preparation material and individual student counselling is available for the foregoing examinations.

As a large medical school, what does KSMU do to keep the environment, personal and supportive?

At present more than 5000 students are studying at KSMU. However, it doesn’t feel that way. All students are assigned to small 10 –15 person units called GROUPS. Many academic activities occur in the Group: practical skills, case conferences, small group discussions, seminars and exam preparation. In addition, as most students live on the campus for their first two years, and because there is indeed a campus, there is a strong sense of community within the student body.

Who is considered to be an international student?

Anybody who is not a citizen or permanent resident of the Russian Federation is categorized as an international student for entry into KSMU.

How much will cost to study medicine at the KSMU?

Refer requirements for Admission.

How do international students pay their fees?

Students arrange their own financial aid. Prospective Students must pay his/her course fee as a guarantee with the registration of enrolment. All other Students must pay one month before his/her studies of the academic year. We could consider offering instalment payments, merit-based scholarships and bank loans geared to support international students if requested.

Will I be eligible for financial aid and scholarships?


Does KSMU offer scholarships?

Beginning of an academic year, a limited number of combined loan and scholarship awards were given to students based on need and merit. The awards are renewable annually for each year of medical studies if academic performances are protected.

The Minority Medical Student Scholarship Program awards a full or half scholarship to a limited number of entering recipients selected on the basis of merit and need. These awards are also renewable if academic performance is satisfactory.

How do you apply for financial aid?

Majority of our students are sponsored to fund their medical education. Also, a limited number of merit-based scholarships are on offer each year, depending on individual achievement. According to your capabilities and rankings, languages, extracurricular talents KSMU offer financial aid with the agreement of your official representative.

Students are allowed to apply for scholarships in the written form by the beginning of his/her academic studies.

Is there an age limit for entry into the University, Medical Program?

YES – If you wish to enter by your secondary education there is an age limit that you can apply from 17 –25. Matured applicants are welcome to join by completed/Uncompleted undergraduate programs or for post-graduate studies.

I am a secondary school student who wishes to study medicine, how can I apply to study at KSMU?

You have to apply with the filled registration form, Passport copy valid for all countries and a certified copy of you A/L (Local or London) certificate. Direct admission is not allowed for prospective students (Sri Lankan) and you have to choose one of your Local Agents for your admissions. Further details and guidance will be provided by the “Office of your Local Representative”.

I am already studying medicine overseas, can I transfer to the program?


When will I know whether I have been offered a place in the KSMU?

You have to apply KSMU through the Office of Representative or one of his recommended agents. If you are accepted an “Offering Letter” will be addressed to you.

What is the annual quota?

Annually more than 500 students are admitted to 11 faculties, 70 Departments & Post-graduate programs of the University. The Faculty’s quota for International students is depending on the origin of the student. For further details contact the Office of the local representative in your country.

Please send me an application form and prospectors.

You have to contact the Local Office of the Representative.

How often can I visit my family?

Students usually travel home during the winter and summer vacations. Winter vacation covers a maximum of one month (In January) and Summer vacation covers two months (July and August)

What kind of housing is available for students?

KSMU guarantees all International students with fully furnished hostel accommodation. Most students live in hostels for the first two years, although off-campus housing is readily available.

What percentage of students live in University premises?

Approx. 85% of students live in University resident halls (Hostels) and the rest live on Apartments out of the University.

Where will I live?

All students are guaranteed a place in the student hostels. Options are also available to rent a furnished apartment at a very low cost.

What Security services are offered by KSMU?

Security officers are on duty twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week covering University premises, Students hostels and surroundings.

Is the atmosphere extremely competitive?

Although medical students are apt to strive for success in all they do, the atmosphere is not particularly competitive. Generally, students study in groups and help each other in many ways. Perhaps because of the devoted faculty, perhaps because the campus lends itself to a close-knit community, or perhaps because the students at KSMU are the kind of people that they are as students support each other and work well as a team.

Do students need to bring their own computer?

Many students do have their own computers. There are Internet ports available in Students Hostels, which provide fast Internet access, for an affordable fee. If you don’t have your own PC, there are computers at the University premises that are available to use. There is an increasing amount of the curriculum, which is linked to the Internet.

Do students need a car?

Cars are certainly a convenience for students living away from the university. However, because Kursk city provides well standard Transport service 24 hours a day, because this is really a campus community and because so many students do not have cars, those without a car can manage quite easily.

What kinds of activities can students participate outside the class (besides studying!)?

KSMU offers a huge range of social, Sport, athletic and service-oriented clubs and organizations. KSMU has more than fifty clubs and organisations that are open to student membership. The College supports these as essential to the well being of our students and as a significant enhancement to the vitality of the community. Students have great opportunities in creating new activities of importance to them. The Student Senate is an active and important component of the academic and social community.

Are there gyms nearby?

There is a gym on campus that is open weekdays. It has Stairmasters, treadmills, stationary bikes, free weights and nautilus. For those who prefer a larger gym, there are several in the area. Prices vary, but they give special offers to KSMU students.

What is the profile of your student population?

Our students are a truly diverse group. They come from all over the world with a heavy.

Why do I need to go through the Office of the Representative?

TransRussian Company (TRC) is the Exclusive Sole Agent of KSMU to recruit students from more than 30 countries including Sri Lanka. KSMU and TRC have appointed representatives around the world to make it easier for new admissions and to avoid malpractices under the name of KSMU. Accordance with the Contact/Agreement with the Russian Government, NO student can enrol to KSMU unless going through the Office of Local Representative.

How can I get more information?

There is sufficient information on this website and we will be providing more information from time to time. You can also email us on